

Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Bounty

We live in the great state of South Carolina. There was a time when I never saw myself saying that...but upon moving here, I found that the people in the upstate truly take pride in their state. Southern Hospitality at its finest!
I have also learned that here in the upstate, everyone is a gardener of some sort. My work colleagues bring in veggies each week to share. Ms. L's parents plant hers for her, and Mrs. G does all the work herself, Dr. G works at his in between his hundreds of other responsibilities....but one thing remains the same, they all have a garden and they all share. I am still cultivating my green thumb. This year I only planted yellow squash, zucchini squash and tomatoes....and so far I have only gotten a few edible veggies...Plus the herbs that I am oh so proud of, they thrive.

So I share herbs and homemade vegetable broth and in return I can expect some sort of vegetable bounty each week.
Today however, I truly could not believe my blessings. My dear friend Rachel is home in Maine, so she gave me her weekly farm share, in addition to our office share. So many beautiful vegetables and a dozen eggs....YUM!

actually, this was AFTER Bluebird had eaten 20 or more cherry tomatoes all by herself.

So, as the rain falls steadily outside, watering our beautiful earth and "growing tomatoes" (as Boy says), I am enjoying my local organic garden omelet. Thank you friends, thank you Earth, thank you God!

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